Title: Building Sensors for the TAB Electronics SUMOBOT
Lead: Matt Bauer, Dan Hirsmuller-Counts, Felipe Jauregui
Advisors: Dr. Juliano, Dr. Renner

The primary objective of this project is to have a line of
battle-ready SUMOBOTs that abide by Tournament Rules and Regulations of
the FSI (FujiSoft ABC Inc.) – All Japan Robot-Sumo Tournament.
One task was to develop and implement the use of photo cells to detect
the border of the sumo ring (Dohyo). Using a photo cell allows the
robot to receive a variable numerical value to distinguish between
the black arena or white border of the Dohyo.

The ISL SUMOBOTs employ an automatic calibration behavior for their
initial movements. Specifically, assuming the SUMOBOT always starts
on a white border region, the SUMOBOT approximates the border region
by sampling the white region then traveling forward into the black
region and sampling it.

(click on thumnail for larger view)

Intelligent Systems Laboratory
O'Connell Technology Center, OCNL 431
Copyright © 2003-2004 California State University, Chico. All rights reserved. Last update 10/11/04