Title: A Linux Cluster for Parallel Soft Computing Applications
Lead: Dan Hirsmuller-Counts
Advisor: Dr. Renner, Dr. Juliano

This project involves the setup and use of Linux Beowulf Cluster running PVM software. The cluster consists of four (4) dual-processor HP Kayak workstations. Three of the workstations are powered by dual Pentium II processors running at 200 Mhz each. The fourth machine runs two Pentium III processors both running at 600 Mhz. The HP hardware was somewhat difficult to work with. The Gentoo Linux distribution failed to install due to write access problems with the hard drives. An install of the Debian Linux distribution worked; however, the kernel that ships with Debian's “Woody” release does not have SMP support. Attempts to re-compile the Debian kernel with SMP support worked, but the network was lost! This issue was not resolved, and since the network is the other crucial part of a
machine that is to be clustered, Dan decided to give up on Debian. However, the Slackware Linux distribution is currently working great; the default kernel has been re-compiled to add SMP support. Additionally, Dan has successfully cloned the Pentium II machines (besides the original) over the cluster's network.

(click on thumnail for larger view)

Intelligent Systems Laboratory
O'Connell Technology Center, OCNL 431
Copyright © 2003-2004 California State University, Chico. All rights reserved. Last update 10/11/04