Info - ISL Summer Robotics Camp


    • Applicants must be female students going into the 8th grade.
    • Applicants must be able and willing to participate in camp from June 13th through June 17th, 9:00am to 3:00pm daily.
    • Applicants must be willing to take on and apply themselves to intellectual challenges.

      Monday, June 13th, 2005 through Friday, June 17th, 2005 from 9:00am to 3:00pm daily.

      California State University, Chico campus. Participants will meet in front of the O'Connell Technology Center, located on the corner of Warner and West 1st Street.

      This program is FREE to all participants.

      Participating students of the Summer Robotics Camp must be responsible for their own transportation to and from CSU, Chico. The Intelligent Systems Lab or any of its employees cannot provide transportation.

      Applications for Summer Camp 2005 which are received by April 30th will receive highest consideration. Open slots remaining will be filled by applicants submitting applications no later than May 20th. Notification of acceptance will go out beginning May 6th, and no later than May 27th, 2005.
Intelligent Systems Laboratory
O'Connell Technology Center, OCNL 431
Copyright © 2003-2004 California State University, Chico. All rights reserved. Last update 03/25/05