Day 4:
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Dan giving Clara and Giana some tips at the Mars Yard.
Chris showing Libby and Leann how to use the RCX code interface.
Lindsey, Angela, and Allison working on tankbot gears.
Rachel and Dan watching Victoria make changes to some RCX code.
Leann and Libby debugging some code.
Joel A. and Joel S. teaming up to help out at the Mars Yard ...
Trish helping Julia and Kim with their lift kit.
Thierry observing Ali and Raschell's progress ...
Noah working with Christina.
Kristin looking at Rebecca and Emily's work.
Matt working with Julia and Kim.
Anna and Christina discussing their
tankbot's behavior as Noah listens.
Back at the Mars Yard ...
Matt and Noah setting up some bot demos ...
Chris discussing how IR proximity detectors work.
Noah's crawler Boe-Bot ready
to grab a "barrel" (two Sumobots
and a Boe-Bot in the background)